fpGUI Interface

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fpGUI is a widgetset completely written in Object Pascal. It links directly with the underlying windowing system, and thus avoids the need for many external libraries. More information on its website: http://fpgui.sourceforge.net

This page covers the fpGUI widgetset - a Lazarus LCL widget wrapping the fpGUI code. It is different from pure fpGUI code.

Other Interfaces

Platform specific Tips

Interface Development Articles

Creating your first LCL application with fpGUI

This is a step-by-step guide to build your first application with the fpGUI widgetset

1. Download the latest Lazarus from subversion and build it (not necessary if you downloaded a pre-compiled snapshot)

2. Download fpGUI source code from the SourceForge.net Git repository as follows:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/fpgui/code

3. Now we need to make the Lazarus LCL find the fpGUI code.

Using Lazarus (trunk)

Option 1)
Copy the 'src' directory from the fpGUI sources into your Lazarus directory as follows:

  <fpgui>/src/ ⇒ <lazarus>/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/src/

Option 2)
Use your file systems's symbolic linking function to simply link the fpGUI src directory to the correct location in Lazarus.

For example:

    cd /opt/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui
    ln -s /path/to/fpgui/src src

Using Lazarus 1.0.8 and earlier

Option 1)
Supported on all platforms. Copy two directories and one file from the downloaded fpgui to lazarus

<fpGUI dir>/src/gui ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/gui
<fpGUI dir>/src/corelib ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/corelib
<fpGUI dir>/src/VERSION_FILE.inc ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/VERSION_FILE.inc

Option 2)
Linux or any other Unix type platforms. Create symbolic links from the fpGUI's corelib, gui directories and VERSION_FILE.inc to the Lazarus LCL directory as follows:

ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/gui lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/gui
ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/corelib lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/corelib
ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/VERSION_FILE.inc lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/VERSION_FILE.inc

4. Open Lazarus, open the menu Tools-->"Configure Build Lazarus", select all options to None and LCL to Build+Clean, select fpGUI widgetset and rebuild it.

5. Go to the menu Compiler Options, select fpGUI as the widgetset and you can recompile your project to fpGUI.

Implementation details

Component mapping

This is a table indication which FPGUI controls are used to build each LCL control.

NOTE: This table is incomplete and out of date. Many other controls have already been implemented in LCL-fpGUI, but not listed in this table.

LCL Control FPGUI Control Comments
TPageControl TfpgPageControl -
TButton TfpgButton -
TBitBtn TfpgButton fpGUI's standard button class supports images.
TSpeedButton TfpgButton fpGUI's standard button class supports images and flat look etc.

Road map for the fpGUI interface

Here: Roadmap#Widgetset dependent components

See also