fpGUI Interface/es

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fpGUI es un widgetset escrito completamente en Object Pascal. Enlaza directamente con el sistema subyacente de windows, y por tanto evita la necesidad de más librerias externas. Se puede encontrar información adicional en su sitio web: http://fpgui.sourceforge.net

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Creating your first LCL application with fpGUI

This is a step-by-step guide to build your first application with the fpGUI widgetset

  1. Download the latest Lazarus from subversion and build it (not necessary if you downloaded a pre-compiled snapshot)
  2. Download fpGUI source code from the SourceForge.net Git repository as follows:
    git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/fpgui/code
  3. Make sure you switch the the maint branch of fpGUI.
    git checkout maint
  4. Now we need to make the Lazarus LCL find the fpGUI code.
    1. Using Lazarus (trunk)
      • Option 1)
        Copy the 'src' directory from the fpGUI sources into your Lazarus directory as follows:

        <fpgui>/src/ ⇒ <lazarus>/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/src/

      • Option 2)
        Use your file system's symbolic linking function to create a link the fpGUI src directory, to the correct location in Lazarus.
        For example:

        cd /opt/lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui
        ln -s /path/to/fpgui/src src

    2. Using Lazarus 1.0.8 and earlier
      • Option 1)
      Supported on all platforms. Copy two directories and one file from the downloaded fpgui to lazarus

      <fpGUI dir>/src/gui ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/gui
      <fpGUI dir>/src/corelib ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/corelib
      <fpGUI dir>/src/VERSION_FILE.inc ⇒ lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/VERSION_FILE.inc

      • Option 2)
      Linux or any other Unix type platforms. Create symbolic links from the fpGUI's corelib, gui directories and VERSION_FILE.inc to the Lazarus LCL directory as follows:

      ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/gui lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/gui
      ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/corelib lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/corelib
      ln -s <fpGUI dir>/src/VERSION_FILE.inc lazarus/lcl/interfaces/fpgui/VERSION_FILE.inc

  5. Now you need to recompile LCL for the LCL-fpGUI widgetset
    1. Using Lazarus (trunk)
      1. Start a new LCL application
      2. Tell it to use the LCL-fpGUI widgeset by using the Additions and Overrides dialog. This can be found by selecting "Project Options -> Compiler Options -> Additions and Overrides". You can use the drop-down button menus in that dialog to define the following IDE Macros, or type them in by hand. For the fpGUIPlatform macro, only define one, dependent on the platform you are compiling for.
        • define IDE Macro: LCLWidgetType := fpgui
        • define IDE Macro: fpGUIPlatform := gdi(for Windows)
        • define IDE Macro: fpGUIPlatform := x11(for Linux/FreeBSD)
      3. Compile your project!
    2. Using Lazarus 1.0.8 and earlier
      1. Start a new LCL application
      2. Open Lazarus, open the menu "Tools -> Configure Build Lazarus", select all options to None and LCL to Build+Clean, select fpGUI widgetset and rebuild it.
      3. Go to the menu Compiler Options, select fpGUI as the widgetset
      4. Compile your project!

Detalles de implementación

Mapa de Componentes

Esta es una tabla que indica que controles PFGUI se utilizan para construir cada LCL.

LCL Control FPGUI Control Comments
TPageControl TfpgPageControl -
TButton TfpgButton -
TBitBtn TfpgButton La clase de pulsador estandar de fpGUI soporta imágenes.
TSpeedButton TfpgButton La clase de pulsador estandar de fpGUI soporta imágenes, vista plana, etc.

Mapa de recorrido del interface fpGUI

Here: Roadmap#Widgetset_dependent_components

Ver también

  • fpGUI Toolkit
  • fpGUI de forma sencilla ¡La manera fácil de probar fpGUI y Free Pascal! Simplemente desempaqueta el archivo descargado y ya tienes un entorno completamente funcional con FPC y fpGUI.