LCL Components

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Please choose the component about which you would like to know more:

Standard tab

(See also the StdCtrls unit Online Docs)

Component Palette Standard.png

In order on the above from left to right:

Pointer; used to indicate you are not selecting a component
Usage Online Docs
TMainMenu TMainMenu
TPopupMenu TPopupMenu
TButton TButton
TLabel TLabel
TEdit TEdit
TMemo TMemo
TToggleBox TToggleBox
TCheckBox TCheckBox
TRadioButton TRadioButton
TListBox TListBox
TComboBox TComboBox
TScrollBar TScrollBar
TGroupBox TGroupBox
TRadioGroup TRadioGroup
TCheckGroup TCheckGroup
TPanel TPanel
TActionList TActionList

Additional tab

(See also the ExtCtrls unit Online Docs)

Component Palette Additional.png
Usage Online Docs
TBitBtn TBitBtn
TSpeedButton TSpeedButton
TStaticText TStaticText
TImage TImage
Shape TShape
TBevel TBevel
TPaintBox TPaintBox
TNotebook TNotebook
TLabeledEdit TLabeledEdit
TSplitter TSplitter
TTrayIcon TTrayIcon
TMaskEdit TMaskEdit
TCheckListbox TCheckListBox
TScrollBox TScrollBox
TApplicationProperties TApplicationProperties
TStringGrid TStringGrid
TDrawGrid TDrawGrid
TPairSplitter TPairSplitter
TColorBox TColorBox
TColorListBox TColorListBox

Common Controls tab

(See also the ComCtrls unit Online Docs)

Component Palette Common Controls.png
TTrackBar, TProgressBar, TTreeView, TListView, TStatusBar, TToolBar, TUpDown, TPageControl, TTabControl, THeaderControl, TImageList, TPopupNotifier

Controls which are not part of the LCL, but install in this tab:

  • TDateTimePicker (included in Lazarus and installed automatically with make bigide, but not officially part of LCL)


Dialogs tab

(See also the Dialogs unit Online Docs)

Component Palette Dialogs.png
TOpenDialog, TSaveDialog, TSelectDirectoryDialog, TColorDialog, TFontDialog, TFindDialog, TReplaceDialog, TOpenPictureDialog, TSavePictureDialog, TCalendarDialog, TCalculatorDialog, TPrinterSetupDialog, TPrintDialog, TPageSetupDialog, TTaskDialog

Several useful Dialog procedures or functions don't appear on the Palette, but are easily used as direct calls from your source program.

Misc tab

Component Palette Misc.png
TColorButton, TSpinEdit, TFloatSpinEdit, TArrow, TCalendar, TEditButton, TFileNameEdit, TDirectoryEdit, TDateEdit, TCalcEdit, TFileListBox, TXMLPropStorage, TIniPropStorage, TBarChart, TButtonPanel, TIDEDialogLayoutStorage

Data Controls tab

(See also the DBCtrls unit Online Docs)

Component Palette Data Controls.png
Data-aware components, which largely replicate the Standard and Additional groups but are applicable to Databases: TDBNavigator, TDBText, TDBEdit, TDBMemo, TDBImage, TDBListBox, TDBComboBox, TDBLookupCombobox, TDBCheckBox, TDBRadioGroup, TDBCalendar, TDBGroupBox, TDBGrid

Also on this tab: TDBDateTimePicker, which is included in Lazarus and installed automatically with make bigide, but not officially part of LCL.

Data Access tab

Component Palette Data Access.png
TDataSource, TBufDataset , TSdfDataSet, TFixedFormatDataSet, TDbf, TParadox, TMemDataset, TFPCodeGenerator

System tab

Component Palette System.png
TTimer, TIdleTimer, TLazComponentQueue, THtmlHelpDatabase, THtmlBrowserHelpViewer, TProcessUTF8, TAsyncProcess, TProcess, TSimpleIPCClient, TSimpleIPCServer, TXMLConfig, TEventLog


Component Palette SynEdit.png
SynEdit is an advanced multi-line edit control, which is integrated into the Lazarus. It is the code editor of the Lazarus IDE and is available in the directory "lazarus/components/synedit". It supports Syntax Highlighting, code completion, code folding and includes exporters for html, tex and rtf. It is a fully custom drawn component, meaning that it doesn't wrap native controls of each platform and that no external library is required; this make SynEdit a crossplatform component. Note that the SynEdit available with Lazarus is a fork of the original SynEdit for Borland Delphi, Kylix and C++Builder which can be found in synedit at sourceforge
TSynEdit, TSynAutoComplete, TSynExporterHTML, TSynMacroRecorder, TSynMemo, TSynPasSyn, TSynFreePascalSyn, TSynCppSyn, TSynJavaSyn, TSynPerlSyn, TSynHTMLSyn, TSynXMLSyn, TSynLFMSyn, TSynUNIXShellScriptSyn, TSynCssSyn, TSynPHPSyn, TSynTeXSyn, TSynSQLSyn, TSynPythonSyn, TSynVBSyn, TSynAnySyn, TSynMultiSyn