SQLdb Tutorial2/fr

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Portail de la base de données


Tutoriels/articles pratiques :

Bases de données

Advantage - MySQL - MSSQL - Postgres - Interbase - Firebird - Oracle - ODBC - Paradox - SQLite - dBASE - MS Access - Zeos

Vue d'ensemble

Si vous avez suivi le Tutoriel SQLdb 1, vous avez un grille basique montrant des informations provenant de la base de données. Maintenant que votre application marche, vous pouvez y ajouter certains raffinements.

Connexion dynamique à une base de données

Jusqu'à maintenant, nous utilisions des nom de base de données, emplacement de base de données, nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe fixé pour simplifier. Comme indiqué, des applications "réelles" laissent normalement les utilisateurs spécifier leur propres nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe.

Changeons la fiche de façon à popuvoir les spécifier : ajoutez deux TEdits depuis l'onglet standard. Mettez leur propriété Name à 'Username' et 'Password'. Définissez la propriété PasswordChar de 'Password' à * (l'astérisque) par sécurité vis à vis de personne qui regarderait par dessus votre épaule.

Si vous voulez rendre plus facile (et moins sécurisé, bien sûr) de se connecter, vous pouvez définir la propriété Text de UserName comme utilisateur valide de la base de données, tel que SYSDBA. Vous pouvez même définir la propriété Text de Password à une valeur par défaut telle que masterkey, simple pour le test sur une machine de développement si la sécurité n'est pas une préoccupation...

Cosmétiquement, l'ajout de quelques étiquettes (Label) pour que les gens sachent ce qu'ils sont censés taper est utile.

Aussi pour rendre plus facile la connexion à toute base de données exemple sur tout serveur Firebird/Interbase, nous ajoutons deux zone de texte pour le serveur et le chemin à la base de données. Ajoutons ces deux autres zones de texte et appelons-les ServerName et DatabaseName.

Si vous voulez, vous pouvez définir la propriété 'Text' à des valeurs sensibles dans votre situation, p.ex. localhost et C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\EMPLOYEE.FDB. Des étiquettes (Labels) pour expliquer ce que doit entrer l'utilisateur peuvent aider aussi.

Pour clarifier, nous allons supprimer les informations de connexion de nos composants en conception : Dans le composant TSQLConnector, retirez tout les textes des propriétés UserName, Password, DatabaseName et HostName.

Maintenant, finalement, nous avons besoin d'indiquer à notre composant de connexion à la base de données comment se connecter. Cela est uniquement nécessaire au début de l'exécution de l'application. Dans notre cas, le bouton existant 'Button1' est une bonne manière de mettre en place la connexion.

Ajoutez le code :

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  //Connection settings for Firebird/Interbase database
  //only needed when we have not yet connected:
  if not DBConnection.Connected then
    DBConnection.HostName := ServerName.Text;
    DBConnection.DatabaseName := DatabaseName.Text;
    DBConnection.Username := UserName.Text;
    DBConnection.Password := Password.Text;
    // Now we've set up our connection, visually show that
    // changes are not possibly any more
  SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:= 'select * from CUSTOMER';
  DBConnection.Connected:= True;
  SQLTransaction1.Active:= True;

Maintenant exécutez et testez si vous êtes connectés.

SQLite, autres bases de données

Adaptez la propriété Text dans le TEdit comme demandé ; p.ex. employee.sqlite pour SQLite.

For SQLite, la spécification des HostName, Username et password n'a pas de sens, donc vous pouvez omettre ces TEddits, commentez l'affectation des valeurs correspondantes dans DBConnection dans le code du dessus. Pour FireBird incorporé, forcez en dur le UserName à SYSDBA ; cela ne fera aucun mal si SQLite est utilisé.

Le code ressemblera à quelque chose comme cela :

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  //Connection settings for embedded databases
  //only needed when we have not yet connected:
  if not DBConnection.Connected then
    DBConnection.DatabaseName := DatabaseName.Text;
	DBConnection.UserName := 'SYSDBA'; //Firebird embedded needs this; doesn't harm if using SQLite
    // Now we've set up our connection, visually show that
    // changes are not possibly any more
  SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:= 'select * from CUSTOMER';
  DBConnection.Connected:= True;
  SQLTransaction1.Active:= True;

Filtrage de données

Souvent, une table contient une énorme quantité de données que l'utilisateur ne veut(ou ne doit) pas voir (et cela prend beaucoup de temps à requêter et voyage à travers le réseau). Supposons que seuls les clients des USA devraient être affichés. En conséquence, l'ordre SQL dans 'SQLQuery1' ressemblera à quelque chose comme ceci :

select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = 'USA'

... qui devrait être transformé en quelque chose comme cela dans notre code :

SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = 'USA'';

Il y a deux raisons pour lesquelles nous n'utilisaeraon pas cette ordre dans notre exemple d'application :

D'abord il y a un problème avec l'emploi des aapostrophes. Le compilateur interprétera cela l'apostrophe avant USA comme une apostrophe de fermeture (la première apostrophe est devant le SELECT * FROM...), ainsi l'ordre SQL va devenir invalide. Solution : il faut doubler les apostrophes intérieures :

SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = ''USA''';

Ensuite, raison plus importante dans les faits, nous ignorons probablement ce quelles contraintes l'utilisateur voudra filtrer. Nous ns voulons pas limiter la flexibilité de l'utilisateur.

Pour obtenir cette flexibilité, nous changeons en premier notre ordre SQL et remplaçons 'USA' par une marque substitutive (placeholder, un paramètre pour parler SQL) : changez la procédure Button1click et remplacez :

SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER';

par :

SQLQuery1.SQL.Text:= 'select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = :COUNTRY';

Dasn SQLDB de FPC, le paramètre SQL est marqué par un caractère deux-points (d'autres langages/environnements utilisent une autre convention comme ?). Pour permettre à l'utilisateur d'entrer une valeur pour le filtre, nous plaçons un composant TEdit sur notre fiche. Supprimez a valeur dans la propriété 'Text'. Nous pouvons maintenant prendre le texte entré dans le TEdit et remplir le paramètre SQL COUNTRY en utilisant la propriété 'Params' du TSQLQuery. Ajoutez ce qui suit dans l'instruction précédente :

SQLQuery1.Params.ParamByName('COUNTRY').AsString := Edit1.Text;

Le paramètre peut être spécifié par sa position ou son nom. L'utilisation du nom améliorera la lisibilité du code source, et évidemment aide si vous insérez plus de paramètre au milieu des paramètres existants.

Nous utilisons '.AsString' pour affecter une valeur chaîne au paramètre ; il y a des affectation de propriété équivalente pour les paramètres entiers, booléens etc.

Jusqu'à maintenant, le code nous forçe à utiliser un filtre. Si un utilisateur spécifie une valeur vide dans la zone de saisie, aucun enregistrement ne sera affiché. Ce n'est sans doute pas ce que nous voulons. Testons la valeur vide et construisons la requête en conséquence. Nous devrions nous retrouver avec une procédure comme celle-ci :

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  //Connection settings for Firebird/Interbase database
  //only needed when we have not yet connected:
  if not DBConnection.Connected then
    DBConnection.HostName := ServerName.Text;
    DBConnection.DatabaseName := DatabaseName.Text;
    DBConnection.Username := UserName.Text;
    DBConnection.Password := Password.Text;
    // Now we've set up our connection, visually show that
    // changes are not possibly any more
  // Show all records, or filter if user specified a filter criterium
  if Edit1.Text='' then
    SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER'
    SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = :COUNTRY';
    SQLQuery1.Params.ParamByName('COUNTRY').AsString := Edit1.Text;
  DBConnection.Connected:= True;
  SQLTransaction1.Active:= True;

Maintenant vous pouvez jouer un peu avec le filtrage en utilisant Edit1. Si vous entrez un pays qui n'est pas présent dans la base de données, une grille affichée est vide.

Gestion des erreurs

The application should run, but sometimes problems can occur. Databases, even embedded databases can crash (e.g. when the database server crashes, the disk is full, or just due to a bug), leaving the application hanging.

Access to a database (any external process, really) should therefore always be integrated in a try ... except and/or try ... finally construct. This ensures that database errors are handled and the user isn't left out in the cold. A rudimentary routine for our example application could look like this:

    //We could use EDatabaseError which is a general database error, but we're dealing with Firebird/Interbase, so:
    on E: EDatabaseError do
      MessageDlg('Error','A database error has occurred. Technical error message: ' + E.Message,mtError,[mbOK],0);

SQLite, PostgreSQL, autres bases de données

You can either use the more generic EDatabaseError, or - if available - your own specialized databaseerror, if you need more details. E.g. SQLite and the PostgreSQL driver in FPC 2.6.1 and lower doesn't have a specialized E*DatabaseError; you'd have to use EDatabaseError. PostgreSQL on FPC trunk (development version) has EPQDatabaseError.

Edition des données utilisant la grille


Up to now, if you tried to edit data in the grid, the changes would not be saved. This is because the SQLQuery1 is not instructed to send the changes to the database transaction at the right moment. We need to fix this, and then commit the transaction in the database, so all changes get written. For this, you would use code like this:

SQLQuery1.ApplyUpdates; //Pass user-generated changes back to database...
SQLTransaction1.Commit; //... and commit them using the transaction.
//SQLTransaction1.Active now is false

We want to make sure any edits (inserts, updates, deletes) are written to the database:

  • when the users changes the filtering criteria and presses the button to query the database
  • when the form is closed

It makes sense to make a separate procedure for this that is called in those two instances. Go to the code, and add an empty line here:

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    Datasource1: TDatasource;
    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
    Edit1: TEdit;
    DBConnection: TIBConnection;
    SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery;
    SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction;
*****insert the empty line here****
    procedure Button1click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Formclose(Sender: TObject; var Closeaction: Tcloseaction);

then type

    procedure SaveChanges;

press shift-ctrl-c (default combination) to let code completion automatically create the corresponding procedure body.

We need to add error handling and check that the transaction is active - remember, this code also gets called when pressing the button the first time, when the transaction is not active yet. We get:

procedure Tform1.SaveChanges;
// Saves edits done by user, if any.
    if SQLTransaction1.Active then
    // Only if we are within a started transaction;
    // otherwise you get "Operation cannot be performed on an inactive dataset"
      SQLQuery1.ApplyUpdates; //Pass user-generated changes back to database...
      SQLTransaction1.Commit; //... and commit them using the transaction.
      //SQLTransaction1.Active now is false
  on E: EDatabaseError do
      MessageDlg('Error', 'A database error has occurred. Technical error message: ' +
        E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
      Edit1.Text := '';

Now we need to call this procedure at the appropriate moments:

procedure Tform1.Button1click(Sender: TObject);
  SaveChanges; //Saves changes and commits transaction


procedure Tform1.Formclose(Sender: TObject; var Closeaction: Tcloseaction);
  SaveChanges; //Saves changes and commits transaction

Now test and see if edits made in the dbgrid are saved to the database.

Masquage de la colonne de clé primaire

Often, you don't want your users to see autonumber/generated primary keys as they are only meant to maintain referential integrity. If users do see them, they might want to try the edit the numbers, get upset that the numbers change, that there are gaps in the numbers, etc.

In our example, CUST_NO is the primary key, with content auto-generated by Firebird using triggers and a sequence/generator. This means that you can insert a new record without specifying the CUST_NO; Firebird will create one automatically.

We could simply change our SQLQuery1.SQL.Text property to not include CUST_NO, but this would lead to problems when editing data - a primary key is needed in those circumstances for uniquely identifying the row/record in question.

Therefore, let's use a trick to query for all columns/fields in the table, but keep the grid from showing the first field, CUST_NO: in the Button1Click procedure, add code so it looks like:

procedure Tform1.Button1click(Sender: TObject);
    // Hide the primary key column which is the first column in our queries.
    // We can only do this once the DBGrid has created the columns

Recompile, and check to see if the primary key column is really hidden.

SQLite, autres bases de données

  • Other databases: a lot of other databases use an 'autonumber' or 'autoinc' type of field to provide auto-generated field content. Try changing your table definition and see if it works.
  • Sqlite: the example above works for SQLite as is because we're using an integer primary key. See the documentation for details.

Insertion de nouvelles données

If you insert new rows/records without any CUST_NO information you may have noticed that you get an error message: Field CUST_NO is required, but not supplied. This also happens if you hid the CUST_NO column, as in the previous section.

The reason: Lazarus thinks that CUST_NO is required. That's not so strange, because it is a primary key and the underlying table definition in the database does say it is required.

If we can instruct Lazarus that this field is not actually required, we can pass empty values (=NULL values) to the database. Fortunately, a query's field object has a Required property that does exactly that.

Change the code to something like:

    Make sure we don't get problems with inserting blank (=NULL) CUST_NO values, e.g.:
    Field CUST_NO is required, but not supplied
    We need to tell Lazarus that, while CUST_NO is a primary key, it is not required
    when inserting new records.
    // Hide the primary key column which is the first column in our queries.
    // We can only do this once the DBGrid has created the columns

Suppression de données

You can let your users use the mouse to do this. You don't even need to code a single line for this functionality...

On the 'Data Controls' tab, select a TDBNavigator component and drop it on the form, above the grid.

To indicate what the navigator should be linked to, set its DataSource property to your existing datasource ('DataSource1') using the Object Inspector. Now you can use the button on the DBNavigator to delete records, but also insert them, and move around the records. Also, when editing cells/fields, you can use the Cancel button to cancel your edits.

To allow users to delete the row they're in on the grid using the Delete key, add LCLType (this contains defintions for key codes) to your uses clause:

  Classes, SysUtils, sqldb, pqconnection, DB, FileUtil, Forms,
  Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DBGrids, StdCtrls, DbCtrls, LCLType;

... then handle the KeyUp event for the grid, which occurs when a key is released if in the grid. However, we do need to check that the user is not editing a field - as he'll probably use the Delete key to delete letters rather than the record he's working on.

Select the grid, then go to events and create an OnKeyUp event like this:

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState
  // Check for del key being hit and delete the current record in response
  // as long as we're not editing data
  if (key=VK_DELETE) and (not(DBGrid1.EditorMode)) then
    //... delete current record and apply updates to db:
Light bulb  Remarque: By default TDBGrid property Options / dgDisableDelete is set to false, this means a user can delete any record with the ctrl-delete key combo. You may not want this behaviour.


If you followed along up to now, you can retrieve data from the database, filter it, and edit and delete data in the grid. Your code should look something like this:

unit sqldbtutorial1unit;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, sqldb, pqconnection, DB, FileUtil, Forms,
  Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DBGrids, StdCtrls, DbCtrls, LCLType;

  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    DatabaseName: TEdit;
    Datasource1: TDatasource;
    DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
    Dbnavigator1: Tdbnavigator;
    Edit1: TEdit;
    Label2: Tlabel;
    Label3: Tlabel;
    Label4: Tlabel;
    Label5: Tlabel;
    Password: TEdit;
    UserName: TEdit;
    ServerName: TEdit;
    DBConnection: TIBConnection;
    Label1: TLabel;
    SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery;
    SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction;
    procedure SaveChanges;
    procedure Button1click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Formclose(Sender: TObject; var Closeaction: Tcloseaction);
    { private declarations }
    { public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.lfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure Tform1.Savechanges;
// Saves edits done by user, if any.
    if SQLTransaction1.Active then
    // Only if we are within a started transaction
    // otherwise you get "Operation cannot be performed on an inactive dataset"
      SQLQuery1.ApplyUpdates; //Pass user-generated changes back to database...
      SQLTransaction1.Commit; //... and commit them using the transaction.
      //SQLTransaction1.Active now is false
  on E: EDatabaseError do
      MessageDlg('Error', 'A database error has occurred. Technical error message: ' +
        E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
      Edit1.Text := '';

procedure TForm1.DBGrid1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState
  // Check for del key being hit and delete the current record in response
  // as long as we're not editing data
  if (key=VK_DELETE) and (not(DBGrid1.EditorMode)) then
    //... delete current record and apply updates to db:

procedure Tform1.Button1click(Sender: TObject);
  SaveChanges; //Saves changes and commits transaction
    //Connection settings for Firebird/Interbase database
    //only needed when we have not yet connected:
    if not DBConnection.Connected then
      DBConnection.HostName := ServerName.Text;
      DBConnection.DatabaseName := DatabaseName.Text;
      DBConnection.Username := UserName.Text;
      DBConnection.Password := Password.Text;
      // Now we've set up our connection, visually show that
      // changes are not possibly any more
    // Show all records, or filter if user specified a filter criterium
    if Edit1.Text='' then
      SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER'
      SQLQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from CUSTOMER where COUNTRY = :COUNTRY';
      SQLQuery1.Params.ParamByName('COUNTRY').AsString := Edit1.Text;
    DBConnection.Connected := True;
    SQLTransaction1.Active := True; //Starts a new transaction
    Make sure we don't get problems with inserting blank (=NULL) CUST_NO values, i.e. error message:
    "Field CUST_NO is required, but not supplied"
    We need to tell Lazarus that, while CUST_NO is a primary key, it is not required
    when inserting new records.
    Hide the primary key column which is the first column in our queries.
    We can only do this once the DBGrid has created the columns
    // EDatabaseError is a general error; 
    // you could also use one for your specific db, e.g.
    // use EIBDatabaseError for Firebird/Interbase
    on E: EDatabaseError do
      MessageDlg('Error', 'A database error has occurred. Technical error message: ' +
        E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
      Edit1.Text := '';

procedure Tform1.Formclose(Sender: TObject; var Closeaction: Tcloseaction);
  SaveChanges; //Saves changes and commits transaction
  SQLTransaction1.Active := False;
  DBConnection.Connected := False;


Base de données incorporée sans modification de code

Firebird sur Windows

A bonus for Firebird users on Windows: if you have been following this tutorial (even if you only did the basic example), you renamed the fbembed.dll embedded Firebird library to fbclient.dll. With this, Lazarus could connect to regular Firebird servers (either on another machine or on your local machine). However, you can also copy the employee.fdb database to your application directory, run the application, clear the Server name TEdit and use Firebird embedded to directly connect to the database file, without any servers set up.

This is great if you want to deploy database applications to end users, but don't want the hassle of installing servers (checking if a server is already installed, if it's the right version, having users check firewalls, etc).

See Firebird embedded for more details.

September 2011: in recent development (SVN) versions of Free Pascal, FPC tries to first load fbembed.dll, so you need not rename fbclient.dll anymore for this to work.

Firebird sur Linux/OSX/Unix

There must be a way to get this to work on Linux/OSX. See Firebird for hints and links. Updates to the wiki are welcome.


SQLite certainly offers embedded functionality - it does not allow a client/server setup on the other hand. By following the tutorial above, you can see that switching between databases (e.g. SQLite and Firebird) is not so much work at all.

Autres bases de données

Your database might offer similar functionality. Updates of this wiki for other database systems are welcome.

Voir aussi