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>> LCL Components >> TMemo

This page explains how to use the TMemo component. When I mention to click on something, unless I explicitly say to right-click, you always left-click on the item in question.


Control for editable multi-line text.

Comp Standard TMemo.png


To use a TMemo on a form, you can simply select it on the Standard component pallet and place it by clicking on the form. In this text box, you can now edit a multiline text at run time.

For example, have you added a TMemo Memo1 to your form Form1, you can use Memo1.Text:='this is a singleline text'; to assign a String.
Also you can use anywhere in the source code the stored text of Memo1 with myString:=Memo1.Text;.
It is also possible to assign a multiline text with Memo1.Text:='This'+LineEnding+'is'+LineEnding+'a'+LineEnding+'multiline'+LineEnding+'text'; .

Assignment of a TStrings or TStringList

Common, to assign a text to a TMemo is the use of a TStringList or its parent TStrings. The following example shows this (in the event handler of an inserted TButton Button1 in a form Form1 and a TMemo Memo1 on it):

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  myStringList: TStringList;
  myStringList:=TStringList.Create;               //Create my StringList
  myStringList.Add('This is the first line.');    //add a line
  myStringList.Add('This is the second line.');
  myStringList.Add('This is the third line.');
  Memo1.Lines.Assign(myStringList);               //assign text content
  myStringList.Free;                              //free my StringList

Insert lines directly

You can add directly the contents of the memo for example:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Memo1.Lines.Clear;                              //delete all lines of Memo1
  Memo1.Lines.Add('This is the first line.');     //add a line
  Memo1.Lines.Add('This is the second line.');
  Memo1.Lines.Add('This is the third line.');

Read a line

If you want to know what is in a particular line, you can check it directly with myString:=Memo1.Lines[Index];. Note, the index of TMemo.Lines is zero based, i.e. the first line would be: myString:=Memo1.Lines[0];

The preceding example add yet a TButton Button2, you can display the third line as follows:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

Selected text

You can mark text parts at run time by holding the left mouse button or press and hold the [Shift] key and select the text with the mouse or keyboard. This text (String) you can display like this:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

Search text

Contrary to the previous example, you can also looking for a text (String) in a TMemo and return the place where it is: Position:=Memo1.SelStart;

The following example shows how you can search and search further for a text in a memo:

  • Create a new application with a TEdit Edit1, a TMemo Memo1 and two TButton Button1 and Button2.
  • Complete the uses clause to LCLProc and strutils.
  • In the event handler OnClick of Button1 fill the memo with any text, as in the example Insert lines directly.
  • In the source text editor add following function (based on the example from the German Lazarusforum):
// FindInMemo: Returns the position where the string to search was found
function FindInMemo(AMemo: TMemo; AString: String; StartPos: Integer): Integer;
  Result := PosEx(AString, AMemo.Text, StartPos);
  if Result > 0 then
    AMemo.SelStart := UTF8Length(PChar(AMemo.Text), Result - 1);
    AMemo.SelLength := Length(AString);
  • Now, add following code in the event handler OnClick from Button2:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  SearchStr: String = '';                     // The string to search for
  SearchStart: Integer = 0;                   // Last position of the string to search for
  if SearchStr <> Edit1.Text then begin       // Falls sich der zu suchende String geändert hat
    SearchStart := 0;
    SearchStr := Edit1.Text;
  SearchStart := FindInMemo(Memo1, SearchStr, SearchStart + 1);

  if SearchStart > 0 then
    Caption := 'Found at position['+IntToStr(SearchStart)+']!'
    Caption := 'No further finds!';
  • Now at run time, you can fill the memo with a text with Button1, paste the text to be searched in Edit1 and looking or keep looking for these in memo with Button2.

Save and load

You can quite easily save and load the contents of a memo by using the methods SaveToFile and LoadFromFile of the class TStrings.

The following example shows you how:

  • Create a new application with a TMemo Memo1 and three TButton Button1, Button2 and Button3.
  • Additionally put a TSaveDialog and a TOpenDialog from the component palette Dialogs on the form.
  • Change Caption of Button1 to "Fill memo".
  • In the event handler OnClick of Button1 fill the memo with any text, as in the example Insert lines directly.
  • Change Caption of Button2 to "Save memo".
  • Change Caption of Button3 to "Load memo".
  • now modify the event handler OnClick of the buttons:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  if SaveDialog1.Execute then

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  if OpenDialog1.Execute then

Further information

TRichMemo - Like Delphi TRichEdit component: formatted text (color, size, etc.)

Return To: LCL Components  — Previous: TEdit Next: TToggleBox

LCL Components
Component Tab Components
Standard TMainMenu • TPopupMenu • TButton • TLabel • TEdit • TMemo • TToggleBox • TCheckBox • TRadioButton • TListBox • TComboBox • TScrollBar • TGroupBox • TRadioGroup • TCheckGroup • TPanel • TFrame • TActionList
Additional TBitBtn • TSpeedButton • TStaticText • TImage • TShape • TBevel • TPaintBox • TNotebook • TLabeledEdit • TSplitter • TTrayIcon • TControlBar • TFlowPanel • TMaskEdit • TCheckListBox • TScrollBox • TApplicationProperties • TStringGrid • TDrawGrid • TPairSplitter • TColorBox • TColorListBox • TValueListEditor
Common Controls TTrackBar • TProgressBar • TTreeView • TListView • TStatusBar • TToolBar • TCoolBar • TUpDown • TPageControl • TTabControl • THeaderControl • TImageList • TPopupNotifier • TDateTimePicker
Dialogs TOpenDialog • TSaveDialog • TSelectDirectoryDialog • TColorDialog • TFontDialog • TFindDialog • TReplaceDialog • TTaskDialog • TOpenPictureDialog • TSavePictureDialog • TCalendarDialog • TCalculatorDialog • TPrinterSetupDialog • TPrintDialog • TPageSetupDialog
Data Controls TDBNavigator • TDBText • TDBEdit • TDBMemo • TDBImage • TDBListBox • TDBLookupListBox • TDBComboBox • TDBLookupComboBox • TDBCheckBox • TDBRadioGroup • TDBCalendar • TDBGroupBox • TDBGrid • TDBDateTimePicker
Data Access TDataSource • TCSVDataSet • TSdfDataSet • TBufDataset • TFixedFormatDataSet • TDbf • TMemDataset
System TTimer • TIdleTimer • TLazComponentQueue • THTMLHelpDatabase • THTMLBrowserHelpViewer • TAsyncProcess • TProcessUTF8 • TProcess • TSimpleIPCClient • TSimpleIPCServer • TXMLConfig • TEventLog • TServiceManager • TCHMHelpDatabase • TLHelpConnector
Misc TColorButton • TSpinEdit • TFloatSpinEdit • TArrow • TCalendar • TEditButton • TFileNameEdit • TDirectoryEdit • TDateEdit • TTimeEdit • TCalcEdit • TFileListBox • TFilterComboBox • TComboBoxEx • TCheckComboBox • TButtonPanel • TShellTreeView • TShellListView • TXMLPropStorage • TINIPropStorage • TJSONPropStorage • TIDEDialogLayoutStorage • TMRUManager • TStrHolder
LazControls TCheckBoxThemed • TDividerBevel • TExtendedNotebook • TListFilterEdit • TListViewFilterEdit • TLvlGraphControl • TShortPathEdit • TSpinEditEx • TFloatSpinEditEx • TTreeFilterEdit • TExtendedTabControl •
RTTI TTIEdit • TTIComboBox • TTIButton • TTICheckBox • TTILabel • TTIGroupBox • TTIRadioGroup • TTICheckGroup • TTICheckListBox • TTIListBox • TTIMemo • TTICalendar • TTIImage • TTIFloatSpinEdit • TTISpinEdit • TTITrackBar • TTIProgressBar • TTIMaskEdit • TTIColorButton • TMultiPropertyLink • TTIPropertyGrid • TTIGrid
SQLdb TSQLQuery • TSQLTransaction • TSQLScript • TSQLConnector • TMSSQLConnection • TSybaseConnection • TPQConnection • TPQTEventMonitor • TOracleConnection • TODBCConnection • TMySQL40Connection • TMySQL41Connection • TMySQL50Connection • TMySQL51Connection • TMySQL55Connection • TMySQL56Connection • TMySQL57Connection • TSQLite3Connection • TIBConnection • TFBAdmin • TFBEventMonitor • TSQLDBLibraryLoader
Pascal Script TPSScript • TPSScriptDebugger • TPSDllPlugin • TPSImport_Classes • TPSImport_DateUtils • TPSImport_ComObj • TPSImport_DB • TPSImport_Forms • TPSImport_Controls • TPSImport_StdCtrls • TPSCustomPlugin
SynEdit TSynEdit • TSynCompletion • TSynAutoComplete • TSynMacroRecorder • TSynExporterHTML • TSynPluginSyncroEdit • TSynPasSyn • TSynFreePascalSyn • TSynCppSyn • TSynJavaSyn • TSynPerlSyn • TSynHTMLSyn • TSynXMLSyn • TSynLFMSyn • TSynDiffSyn • TSynUNIXShellScriptSyn • TSynCssSyn • TSynPHPSyn • TSynTeXSyn • TSynSQLSyn • TSynPythonSyn • TSynVBSyn • TSynAnySyn • TSynMultiSyn • TSynBatSyn • TSynIniSyn • TSynPoSyn
Chart TChart • TListChartSource • TRandomChartSource • TUserDefinedChartSource • TCalculatedChartSource • TDbChartSource • TChartToolset • TChartAxisTransformations • TChartStyles • TChartLegendPanel • TChartNavScrollBar • TChartNavPanel • TIntervalChartSource • TDateTimeIntervalChartSource • TChartListBox • TChartExtentLink • TChartImageList
IPro TIpFileDataProvider • TIpHtmlDataProvider • TIpHttpDataProvider • TIpHtmlPanel
Virtual Controls TVirtualDrawTree • TVirtualStringTree • TVTHeaderPopupMenu

--Michl 13:37, 19 May 2014 (CEST)